
Wanderer's Lullaby part 3 (Spy/Heavy Fanfic)

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The alarm clock screamed at me, making me shift grudgingly to my side, flipping the OFF switch before rising once again from my bed. For such an eventful night, i had slept very well, feeling much more better today than yesterday.

I slipped on some clothes and off i went, going to visit the sleeping Spy.

“Did you sleep well?”

I asked the bundle in the corner, but didn’t seem to get much of a response.


I unlocked the doors and once again stepped inside, hunkering down and pulling the cloth from him. What i had seen made my blood run cold, my hands shaking as i reached for the small man. He was a ghostly white, hands brought up over his nose, breathing into them and shivering, sweat beading down his forehead. It didn’t take a genius to know that he was ill. I could feel that fear, that anxiety building itself up as i grabbed the frail man into my arms, resting him in my lap. It didn’t matter anymore what team they worked on, or what he had done. Just seeing the sickly man unable to even move made my heart ache even worse than when he was being dissected.

“Spy? Spy c’mon now, lift your head up please--”

Panic was evident in my voice, resting him on the blanket and rushing out of the cell to the fridge where the spaghetti had been from earlier. Maybe if he ate, that would help. I brought it right back to him, resting the BLU up against the wall. I didn’t even have a spoon but it didn’t matter. i picked up a noodle and held it to his lips, quietly begging him to try and eat, but he seemed distant, moving his mouth a couple times, letting out a soft groan, but that was about it. I had even dropped the noodle into his mouth and he didn’t seem interested. He just...Couldn’t eat. couldn’t even chew for that matter he was so weak. It must have been being on the floor with his fresh stitches, that was the only way--

“What ah you doing Heavy?”

The sound of Medic’s voice had caught me off guard and i turned to him, giving him a false sheepish smile.

“Was trying to feed him some...Leftovers, but he will not eat.”

“Why were you feeding him zhe stuff I made? You know he doesn’t deserve any form of good food here. And why does he have your blanket.”

“He was shivering….I felt bad. I think he is sick Doktor.”

Medic only smiled, letting out a soft chuckle.

“Good, he’ll die a slow und painful death, which is fine wizh me.”

I wanted to protest, to tell him how wrong he was and how wrong all of this was, but ended up shutting my trap and just chuckling along with him, feeling uncertain about his new friend’s fate.

“Leave him be Heavy. Let zhe infection fester, it’ll finish him off eventually. Besides, you look well enough to battle today.”

“Da...Yes Doktor.”

I didn’t want to leave him behind, looking back at his cell as i trudged up the stairs with Medic. He was so vulnerable, so weak. He needed food, more water, something. I just--Couldn’t leave him there to die like that, but in a way, i was forced to.

“Battle starts in a minute, fellas!”

Engineer exclaimed to the little group of mercenaries, all eager to fight besides myself.

“Cheer up pin head, ya got ya’ gun, your fists and the ability to pummel people ta’ death. Why the long face?”

Scout teased. I simply snorted and turned from him. Medic seemed to notice too that something was off with me and butted in.

“Ah you sure you you’re alright, Heavy? Ah you feeling sick?”

I shook my head at him.

“Nothing is wrong, Doktor. Just a little tired.”

“Aren’t ya always tired? Jesus Christ fat man, you should know betta’ than ta’ stay up all night jackin’ off ta’ killin’ people.”

I went to launch myself at Scout, only to be pulled back by Medic, who was pointing to the clock.

“Take it outside you two, after zhe battle is done. We’ve got us a war to win.”
Just like him to keep us from fighting. He always seemed to be the peace-bringer usually when Soldier and Scout fought, and although i still wanted to punch his lights out, i kept myself from doing so.


Everyone rushed out onto the field and an array of bullets shot across the two stretches of land, some striking people and others just barely scraping by. Medic had trailed alongside me with his gun trained on me, Sacha whirring up and releasing a bulletstorm upon a sniper who had been caught trying to hide for a perfect sniping spot. Scout was overhead, jumping onto the BLU’s deck only to be shot down by an engineer and his level one sentry. I wanted to laugh, yet my aching heart prevented such things. I wanted to go back, i needed to go back to help the BLu out, it just wasn’t--


There was a piercing, electrical pain that shot through my spine as a knife pierced my back. I hadn’t even noticed that Medic had been already taken down as he had entered the sewers, his neck slit open, the crimson draining into the sewer water. Now it was my turn, and as i fell to the ground i caught a glimpse of the masked man and for a brief moment, was overjoyed to see him on the team again. But that joy did a straight U turn when I had realized that the man in the BLU mask what not his sickly companion at all, but another person, another being as cold as ice who had grabbed my head and shoved it under water.

“Yeou’re taking too long to die, fat man.”

Even the other’s voice was off, a tad deeper than the man he had grown to care for. I screamed into the cold, unforgiving water, feeling bubbles rise past my face, the last bits of oxygen i would have left before my lungs began filling with the water instead, choking on the burning water. There was a pop deep in my chest, and as it always did when you died, everything went dark.

….Respawn in 15….14…..13…..


We hadn’t won again. BLU had taken the last capture in a tight-knit round but the enemy heavy had shot down Engineer’s sentry down in the basement with an uber and after that, things went rolling downhill. He gave the Intel over to Scout who in turn turned it in, and the defeat was felt by everyone on our team. Well, at least they couldn’t point fingers at me this time. Scout was dragging his bat through the dusty sand, spitting once onto the ground with a soft hiss.

“We fucked up fellas.”

“Bloody roight we did.”

Sniper hopped down from the deck and grumbled, gritting his teeth.


“Just shut up, will ya? Ya’ makin’ my ears bleed with your constant yelling.”

As the group walked back to the base to start their own private activities, I decided to stray away from the group and head down into the basement of our fort and into the door that lead back to the prison. my hurried steps echoing off the walls and ceiling.


Still no real response, just another soft groan. I rushed through the halls back into the torture room to grab up a spare water bottle kept down there and rushed right back, the door creaking open with ease as i sat on the floor and pulled the blanket from his small frame once again. The BLU was looking even worse and only hours had passed this time. He was shaking, blubbering and whimpering to himself. I looked over him, only to see that the poor man had soiled himself, leaving a small puddle on the floor, soaking into his pants, the only article of clothing he had left now besides his baklava. I didn’t even care that the man was a mess, I pulled him into my lap and screwed open the top of the bottle tipping his head back. He hadn’t had water in at least a day now, sniper was the one that was supposed to come early and give him some but every time i was down here i didn’t see him come back. Maybe he liked watching Spy suffer too.

“Spy i’m going to give you some water, okay?”

I murmured to him in Russian, tipping the water bottle just above his lips, letting some of it drop into his mouth. He gurgled slightly but did swallow it, pouring in slow bits until he waved at me that he was done. I set it aside and curled my big arms around him, pulling him close to my bulk, trying to keep him warm. He didn’t protest one single bit, opening his eyes to stare off at nothing again, curling into my warmth. The overload of emotions was becoming too much now, and i could feel my lower lip starting to tremble even after i bit at it.

“Spy i’m so sorry--I’m so, so sorry...I can’t do anything for you and i know you hurt, and i hurt too. I hurt so much.”

The spy shifted so that he was laying on his back, cradled almost like a baby in my lap. There were small tears building up in the corners of his eyes, but through whatever pain he was in he was smiling. He didn’t even need to say a single word and i knew what he meant.

“I know….Stop saying sorry, right?”

I let out a sad chuckle, watching him blinks a couple times before a frown now made its way onto his features.


He exclaimed, tensing up in pain before the tears once again fell. It looked like it even hurt him just to simply cry, mostly because the movement where his incision was was infected, causing him a great deal of pain. I shushed him and brought him close again, nuzzling into his blue baklava, letting out a few soft sighs. Holding in emotions was almost always easy, I had lost them what seemed like ages ago, and yet...Watching this man I shouldn’t have worried for die was the hardest thing i could ever say i’ve faced. I stayed with the withering spy the entirety of the night, keeping him close to my body, rocking him back and forth a couple of times, mostly to stretch out my own aching muscles. But as i started to drift off to sleep, i felt that hand grip onto my shoulder with less force than before.



He looked up and we met gazes, a sincere look in his eyes.

“Pl...Please…..don’t l-let….Don’t let them…….Let th-them ki--kill me...Don’t let them…”

Despite his sickness he had a urging tone in his voice, his gloved hand squeezing my arm.

“....I won’t let them, Spy. I promise.”


Soldier had declared from the showers beside myself and Medic. There was no battle today, just a free day for everyone to finally relax after a stressful week. The warm water hissed and sprayed down upon me and for once my tense muscles were able to relax, although my heart remained heavy. This morning i had gotten up and had noticed Spy was almost in a comatose kind of state, where his infections seemed to be gripping his last few hours from him. I had wiped the drool from his mouth, gave him a bit more water and talked to him for only a few moments before heading out to finally get clean. Medic and Solly were talking to one another past me, giving me the scoop for what was to come.


“I say we open him up again, remove his innards und let him bleed out.”


The doctor chuckled.

“Now now Soldier you’re gettink ahead of yourself. We’ll figure it out later tonight. We’ve got all zhe time in zhe world.”

The thought of Soldier getting his hands on the little spy made me feel so sick. I ended up stepping from the shower and drying off, putting on some clothes and stepping back into my real room. It looked as if it hadn’t been touched in a week, which was true since I had been staying down in the prison. As sick as the feeling made me, I had realized the severity of the situation, and that i had a promise i needed to keep with Spy, and it seemed there was only one real way to do it. I moved over to my desk and pulled open the drawer slowly. Inside was the glimmering metal of a pistol. pulling it out, I felt that stone in my stomach, that anxiety and sadness mixing together into a deadly concoction of emotions.

“It has to be done.”

I thought, pocketing the weapon and trudging out of the room to the outside of the base, down the stairs, back into the cell that held my friend. Spy was still lying in the spot I had put him before, hugging himself and shivering. He looked totally out of it now, dark circles under his eyes, his sunken cheeks a prominent feature on his pale face. He didn’t seem to take notice that i was here, and i really didn’t want him to. I didn’t want him to know what my intentions were yet. I pushed open the heavy door and closed it behind me, making sure it didn’t clink to get anyone’s attention. Moving slowly, I sat down with the weak man and pulled him up into my lap again. He let out a soft moan, his eyes remaining closed. He was so weak, so feeble.  I shifted the man so that his head rested just under my chin.

“Are Zh--zhey….Zhey coming..?”

He croaked, one of his hands now clinging to my upper arm. I had closed my eyes, nuzzling lightly into his Baklava.

“....Nyet. Not anymore.”

I could feel him let out a sigh of relief, curling close to me like he had done the night before.

“...Zhank….Zhank yeou.”


He managed to pull up for a quick moment, and i took that moment to rest my forehead against his own.


“I’m going to…”

I seemed to hesitate, slipping up on my words, feeling the sadness rise up into my throat. Biting my lip again, i looked into his eyes, trying to gather the courage to tell him what i had wanted to do.

“I’m going to make the pain go away now, okay? I won’t--Let them hurt you anymore.”

At first the sickly spy seemed confused at what i had been saying until i moved his hand from my arm and slid it down to the pocket that held the weapon. And right away he felt it, and i had to take his shaking hand into my own. The man’s lip too, quivered, tears dotting his eyes.

“Ai’m scared.”

“I know.”

The poor sickly man began to cry and instinctively i pulled him into a tight embrace, hushing his fears. I couldn’t do such a thing without him not knowing. But now that he did, it made me wish it would have came as a surprise. He continued to cry as i pat his back, and although we both knew very well that my singing ability would never be up to par with his own, i sung to him, softly and tenderly. It sounded awkward coming out in Russian, but it didn’t matter to me, I could tell the last soothing words of the song was at least doing something for him.

“You are, the dawn of a new day that's waking,
A masterpiece still in the making,
The blue in an ocean of grey….
You are, right where you need to be
Poised to, inspire and to succeed,
Soon, you'll, finally find your own way..”

I pressed the BLU’s head closer, trying to shield his eyes from the weapon I had slid out from my pocket. The gun was trembling in my hand, thoughts racing through my mind. I didn’t want too, I really didn’t want too, but I wanted to make sure no one touched the spy anymore. But before i could raise the weapon, Spy’s shaky voice pierced through my thoughts.

“Ai...A-Ai love yeou..”

He whimpered out. Those little words seemed to sink in and i could feel hot tears trying to fall from the corners of my eyes, my face growing hot, trying to hold in my sadness. I wanted to be strong for the Spy. I leaned down, pressing a soft kiss to his bony cheek.

“I love you too.”

He seemed to hide his face again, starting to hum softly the song I had learned to love since the very beginning. I gave him a couple of second which seemed to feel like forever till the gun was raised, and i too began to let the tears finally fall, clicking the safety off and pulling the hammer back as he hummed.

“I love you so much..”

The sound of the pistol shooting echoed off the cell walls, and the Spy’s humming had ended just it had started and red had sprayed myself and the wall nearest me, that heaviness in my heart dragging me down with it till i had become a sobbing mess, dropping the weapon and gripping onto the man’s cold, cold body. I couldn’t remember a whole bunch else after that. I just remember screaming, Medic, Sniper and Soldier rushing down into the cell to find me cradling the dead man, blood smeared across my face covering the walls. Medic had described it as “one of the worst blood bath’s he’d seen in a long time.” But at that moment i knew i hadn’t cared about the mess, and even now, it seems to bring comfort to know that Spy isn’t hurting anymore.

I had buried him myself under one of the only trees that seemed to grow around this desolate base, a small tree almost to that of a shrub with beautiful silky leaves that would probably have matched the frenchman’s voice. Well, maybe not right now. Fall was moving out now, and Winter was just around the corner. I liked to come out during the nights when the skies are cloudless and watch the stars with him. I still talk to him, sometimes i’ll even sing his song for him, since he didn’t have a voice to sing with anymore. I knew somewhere, he’d be singing right back, probably still laughing about how awful i sounded.

                                             The end.
I had started on this little fanfic a long time ago after i had heard a song i really liked, and ended up incorporating it into the fic. And for a while i had never thought i'd finish it until i found it today, and just knew i needed to complete it for anyone who ships spoovy out there. It won't let me post the entire story together, so i'll just post it in pieces for you all! Hope you enjoy! 

This fic contains major character death, blood, slight gore, violence, and probably many, many feels. Read at your own risk!
© 2015 - 2024 VegetaFan79
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Shortilicious's avatar
This is a really good story this chapter got me crying ;-;